From 06 Jan. to 10 Jan., the 5th Scientific Writing School for Young Astronomers ( was successfully held at the Phoenix Mountain campus of Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, jointly sponsored by Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A), the EDP Sciences Publisher, and Yunnan Observatories. The school was hosted by Yunnan Observatories, with Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences HAN Zhanwen presiding over the opening ceremony, and Director of Yunnan Observatories BAI Jinming delivering the opening speech.
A&A is an international astronomical core journal (impact Factor is 6.209 in 2018), well-known in the international astronomical community. The journal is jointly administered by the European Southern Observatory and more than 20 countries in Europe. It mainly publishes scientific papers on astronomy and astrophysics (theoretical, observational, and instrumental).
Scientific Writing School for Young Astronomers is an educational program of A&A., that helps PhD students and young astronomers present their results and publish high-level scientific papers through international training and communicating to increase the level of scientific writing of participants. It is a globally popular astronomical educational program.
This particular Scientific Writing School for Young Astronomers aims to improve the students' abilities in paper writing, information retrieval, and the accuracy of the presentation in their scientific papers. The lecturers include the Chairperson of the A&A Board of Directors André Moitinho de Almeida, A&A Editor in Chief Thierry Forveille, A&A Letters Editor in Chief Joao Alves, A&A Associate Editor HAN Zhanwen and Rubina Kotak, A&A Language Editor Rachel Ruby and Joshua Neve, CDS database expert Laurent Cambrésy, Director of NAOC Library CHEN Yue, and Senior Publisher at EDP Sciences Anne Ruimy.
The lectures cover the history of A&A, thesis writing, language editing, the review process, the publication of papers, data publishing, book information, scientific research norms as well as many other aspects.
More than 100 students from many countries participated in the event. Throughout the lectures, participants actively engaged in the discourse. During the school, students also participated in group discussions to seek targeted guidance for their research.
During the school, a group photo was taken. At the end of the conference, Thierry Forveille presented the students with a certificate of completion, and HAN Zhanwen encouraged them to keep improving their scientific writing. The school is supported by EDP Science, Astronomy and Astrophysics, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Yunnan Observatories.

Director of Yunnan Observatories BAI Jinming delivered the opening speech

Participants actively engaged in the discourse

Senior Publisher at EDP Sciences Anne Ruimy

A group photo of all the lecturers and students