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Now Hiring - Observatory English Language Specialist
Author: | Update time:2015-08-10           | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A

  Position: Observatory English Language Specialist

  Duties: Translation of English language documents into Chinese and vice versa, helping researchers with their papers if they have been rejected by journals solely due to language problems (the employee may refuse to help on grounds that the paper does not meet academic or ethical standards if that happens to be the case), supporting international collaboration via interpretation of communications, maintenance of this website ( in collaboration with local technical staff. For details and rules, contact us (see contact information below).

  Salary: Negotiable. Typically slightly more than that of a local postdoctoral research fellow, and slightly less than that of a local assistant professor.

  Benefits: Medical insurance coverage, optional extremely heavily subsidised food and housing (basic 2-bedroom suite typically costs 300 yuan or 50 USD a month, basic food 400 yuan or 70 USD a month), optional research opportunities, access to seminars taking place within the observatory, access to a number of academic conferences with all fees paid for by the state, office with internet connection routed through the Chinese Academy of Sciences server (thereby bypassing most Great Firewall effects), very significant worker's union anti-strike incentives (usually in the form of cash, cinema tickets, bakery consignments or spa memberships).

  Mandatory Requirements: A grasp of the English language equivalent to that of a highly educated native user, a grasp of the Chinese language equivalent to that of a highly educated native user, a research degree equivalent to an MSc or above. Both international and domestic applicants are welcome to apply as long as they meet the above criteria.

  Strongly Recommended: A good understanding of either physics, astronomy or telescope engineering, acquired by previous work experience in at least one of those fields, and consequent familiarity with the jargon of at least one of those fields in either Chinese or English.

  Recommended but Optional: A fondness for stray dogs and squirrels, familiarity with a climate similar to that of southern England, a tolerance for extremely hot/spicy food.

  Contact: For further inquiries, or to arrange a tour or an interview, please contact us by phone (86)-0871-63920154 or by email ( Please note that  any such communications will be in Chinese only.

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