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Researchers Summarize Research Progress Based on NVST
Author: | Update time:2020-05-08           | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A

Prof. YAN Xiaoli, LIU Zhong, and XU Zhi from Fuxian lake solar observatory of Yunnan Observatories and Prof. ZHANG Jun from National Astronomical Observatories summarized the research progress based on the 1-m New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST). The paper was recently published in SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences.

The NVST is the biggest solar telescope in China and one of the three advanced solar observational systems in the word. It can provide high-resolution data for studying the formation and the fine structure of small-scale solar activities.

Since it was put into commission in 2012, a large amount of the high resolution photospheric and chromospheric data were obtained. Based on the data from NVST and complementary observations from space (for example, Hinode, SDO and IRIS, etc), about seventy scientific papers have been published.

The researches focus on dynamic characteristics of photospheric bright points, umbral dots, penumbral waves, and sunspot/light bridge oscillation, observational evidence of small-scale magnetic reconnection, and fine-scale dynamic structures of prominences, and the triggering mechanisms of solar flares.

Sunspots are the remarkable activity in the photosphere. Solar physicists often consider the dynamical characteristics of sunspots. Based on the NVST data, the investigators found the existence of one-minute oscillation in the umbra of a sunspot and the different properties of umbral dots in the sunspot.

Solar filament is taken as the bright core of a typical coronal mass ejection. Their material origination and magnetic structure are very difficult issues for solar physicists. Based on the NVST data, the double-deck magnetic structure is found in a solar filament and the jets triggered by emerging magnetic flux and the pre-existing magnetic loops providing the material to the filament was also found.

Magnetic reconnection is an important physical process in solar eruption. Based on the NVST data, the researchers found the existence of the small-scale magnetic reconnection, the oscillation of small-scale magnetic reconnection, chromospheric ball, the formation mechanism of Ellerman bombs. These small-scale activities play an important role in the transfer, distribution, release of energy.

Solar flare is one of violent solar eruptions. Its triggering mechanism is focused by solar and space physicists. Based on the NVST data, researchers found the shearing motion and sunspot rotation may be the originations of non-potential field. Moreover, it is found that the energy of solar flare is released by the magnetic reconnection between the different magnetic structures.

The observation and research based on NVST have established a solid scientific and technical base for the next generation of large-scale solar observation equipment.



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