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Researchers from the Yunnan Observatories propose a new mechanism of long-ter... (2018-01-11)
Fireball Meteor Observed in SW China (2017-10-09)
Do Low- and High-power Radio-loud AGNs Evolve Differently? (2017-09-29)
Chinese team has obtained scientific data from 2017 Grand American Total Sola... (2017-08-23)
A Universal Polarization Sequence for SNe Ia is Found? (2017-06-09)
This Chinese telescope team is making a 7,000 mile
journey to the eclipse
The Mysterious Gamma-ray Emission in Andromeda Galaxy: Dark Matter or Pulsars? (2017-03-03)
When does a sunspot's rotation completely reverse? (2016-12-22)
The Broken Lane of a Type II Radio Burst Caused by Collision of a Coronal Sho... (2016-12-02)
Fringes in EVN NMEs and Pulsars’ Mean Profiles First Obtained by the New Ins... (2016-11-02)
The Release of Twist by Magnetic Reconnection in a Solar Filament Eruption Ob... (2016-07-01)
YNAO Scientists Determine the Evolution Model of Radio AGNs (2016-05-03)
Observation Progress Made by Yunnan Observatories 2.4m Telescope Listed among... (2016-04-22)
YNAO Researchers Find Jovian Giant Planet Orbiting around Dwarf Nova V2051 Oph (2016-03-22)
Scientists Find Fastest-Moving Star in Milky Way (2015-04-03)
Yunnan Observatories 2.4-meter Telescope Discovers Most Luminous Quasar (2015-04-03)
Yunnan Observatories is First to Discover Stable Contact Binary (2015-04-03)
Tori Discovered around Dwarf Planet (2014-08-23)
Yunnan Observatories Explains Existence of Multiple Populations in Globular C... (2014-08-06)
Yunnan Observatories Achieves Breakthrough by Applying Standard Solar Flare M... (2014-06-18)
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