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Researchers Reveal Effect of Down-Comptonization on Nondetection of Gamma-ra... (2020-09-02)
Researchers Obtain New Orbital Period Cut-off of Contact Binaries (2020-08-20)
Researchers Find "strange" Mixing Phenomenon in Upper Main-sequence Star (2020-08-20)
Researchers Discover Triple-layered Leading-edge of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections (2020-07-28)
New Studies Reveal Inside of the Central Energy Release Region in the Solar E... (2020-07-27)
Scientists Explain Spectral Diversities of Gamma-ray Burst by MHD Turbulent C... (2020-07-22)
AI Helps Identifying New Strong Gravitational Lenses Candidates (2020-07-17)
Researchers Identify the Role of Turbulence for Plasmas Heating in Solar Flares (2020-07-06)
Researchers Investigate Hot Subdwarf B Stars with Neutron Star Components (2020-06-17)
Researchers Discover An Algol-type Eclipsing Binary that has Just Undergone R... (2020-06-05)
Researchers Reveal Ionic Charge state Distributions Inside Magnetic Clouds (2020-05-19)
Does the High-latitude Solar Activity Exhibit Quasi-biennial Oscillations? (2020-05-15)
Researchers Find the Nature of Globally-Propagating Waves Induced by a Small-... (2020-05-15)
Researchers Summarize Research Progress Based on NVST (2020-05-08)
Researchers Propose a Precise Method for Estimating Luminosity Functions (2020-04-30)
Researchers Find Triggering Mechanism and Material Transfer During a Solar Fi... (2020-04-26)
Researchers Identify a Candidate of Cataclysmic Variable Star (2020-04-23)
Researchers Obtained Precise Size of the Helium Core for the Red Giant KIC 99... (2020-04-22)
A Small-scale Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Observed by NVST (2020-04-20)
What is the Role of Mass transfer of Low-mass Binaries in Multiple Stellar Po... (2020-04-17)
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